Thursday, March 21, 2013

What’s my motivation?

·         Are you still doing that healthy thing?
·         What’s in that?
·         Are you vegan?
·         Where’s the meat?
·         I have to have cheese.
·         That’s great for you.
·         You can’t do this forever.
·         God said I can eat meat.
·         You’re going to the gym again?
·         I don’t have a trainer.

This is just a short list of the things that I hear when I tell people about the journey that I have been on for the last 5 months.  Even as I type that length of time, I know that it has not been a long time.  Five months is an incredibly small fraction of the time that I have been living on this Earth.  In October I decided that I needed to change the way I operate.  My previous plan of working out and eating “healthy” wasn’t working.  I was waking up in the morning and seeing a blob in the mirror.  I was shopping for bigger and bigger clothes all too often.  I had to make a change in the lighter direction.  So I made the first step – I called a friend!

When God blesses us with meetings, we should honor that blessing and utilize it.  I met a friend that recently moved the states.  She was a personal trainer in Guam to military professionals.  The interesting thing about our meeting is that I do not really remember her talking about any of that.  My husband is the one that remembered her saying she was a trainer.  I just remember meeting a cool lady that I might take a family trip to the zoo with once in a while.  I am so glad that my husband reminded me about her profession when I was down in the dumps and ready for a change.  She was just the person that I needed to talk to in order to get my life rebooted. 

So much has changed since I started training.  When I started, it was about body-image.  My body was the easiest thing to change.  I needed a mind-image change.  That is where I am now.  Twenty big pounds lighter, I am now on a life journey.  It is no longer about making me look slimmer and then reverting back to old habits.  Now I am on a mission to change my new lifestyle to my new habits. 
To change my lifestyle I need to make my changes my normal.  I exercise at least five times per week.  That should be normal for me.  My sweets intake is minimal.  That should be normal for me.  I cook 80-90% of my own meals and my family’s meals.  That should be normal to me.  I have all by eliminated dairy products in my diet. That should be normal for me. 

My normal is slowly becoming my family’s normal too.  I get so excited when my children ask me for a cup of water.  They’re starting to ask for healthy things first.  They love treats, snacks, and juice, but they know what Mommy will and will not give them.  Some days are more challenging than others, but more and more our normal is becoming more and more green.  Every day my children are becoming more and more accepting of vegetables and fruits.   My children are even growing and interest in cooking.  They are very young right now, but when I can, I allow them to help me in the kitchen.  I guess it’s fun to eat the thing that you helped cook even if it does have “healthy” stuff in it. 

So… What’s my motivation? ME!  I am the keeper of many things. I am the caretaker of many precious jewels.  I am too important to not care about.  I take care of me in order to take care of others.  I learn more in order to teach more.  Every day is a gift.  I plan to appreciate those gifts and cherish them.  Eating is no longer a constant recreation.  Food is fuel; I’m choosing top grade fuel from now on.
Do you need to make a change? What is your motivation?  Find it. Use it.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

New International Version (NIV)
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

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