Thursday, January 10, 2013

DIY - me? Yep!

When you live in a big house with small spaces and a lot of people, you have to get very creative. Sadly, that is not my gift. Therefore, my big house with small spaces is cluttered with massive amounts of stuff.  Some of the stuff includes kids' shoes.  Each of my kids has a lot shoes. This causes trouble, as I cannot stand to see shoes all over.

I bought the most ridiculous remedy for the shoe issue. I bought a shoes under bag. Yuck! Not a good idea for kids' shoes. This contraption has no form at all, so it literally becomes a floppy bag that gets squished under the bad.

Last week I finally had enough of looking at that shoe bag.  My kids pretty much refused to use it anyway. There are always shoes strewn over the floor.

I found this picture on pinterest. The concept seemed so practical. The shoes were contained and they really don't take up that much space. The problem was, I could not find any instructions.  The only information available was that this was made from PVC piping. That seemed simple enough. My dad is a water guy. Well, after talking to Dad, it became too overwhelming trying to find 6" PVC pipe. I came up with my own plan.

Enter, buckets from Dollar Tree! Score 1 for the dollar store. I got a piece of 2x2 plywood from Lowes for $3.48. That makes $9.48 for one shoe rack... I love it!

Next came the hot glue gun.  After Mom and I plotted out the design that we wanted for this shoe rack, we glued the buckets onto the plywood.

I let the glue dry for about 30 minutes.  I stood the rack up and was so pleased that it stood on it's own. I did not have to prop it up against the wall.  I left the ropes on the buckets just for the fun of it.  I might get creative and think of something to hang on the ropes.   

For the youngest of the babies, I was able to fit 2 pairs of shoes in each bucket.  For the biggest of my littles, I was only able to fit 1 pair of shoes.

Regardless of how many shoes I was able to put away, I am very pleased with my project.  And now the kids' shoes are off of the floor and out of those ridiculous shoe bags.  They will be able to put their shoes away on their own now.  They can no longer complain about the zipper being too hard. I say this is a "Woohoo" for Mommy!


  1. Love this!!! You're so creative. Isn't crazy that we don't even realize all of the talents we have until we're at home with babies driving us crazy!? Haha! I love this idea. It's definitely more colorful than the pinterest one. I like it better. Really great idea. Good job, mama!! :)-Danielle

  2. thanks, danielle. i was very happy about the colors too.
