Friday, October 26, 2012

More Gladness?!

Ever been filled with so much wonderful joy that you had to share it? Well... that's me today! I'll bet sometimes people do wonder how I can be so "happy" all the time. "More gladness?" (That's a line from one of my favorite movies.)  That would be the question in my mind if I saw me coming around the corner as cucumber cool as I tend to be.  But here is the thing: I serve a God that's GOT THIS! Worrying about things like a reduction of force at my husband's job just seems pointless. We pray about it. We save our dollars. And we go on with our days.  Dwelling on the unknown would serve no purpose.

So here is what has changed in my life thus far: I got interrupted!! My super wonderful husband woke me up one morning at about 4AM. It was not intentional, but when a person stalks around the house and turns on lights, what else can you expect? So, what happened when I woke up at 4AM? I decided to go to the gym. I had recently joined a local 24 hour gym.  I figured I'd better start using that membership. That early morning has changed my life.

Some of the other things that have changed are: (1) My house is more organized than it has ever been. (2) My kitchen is regularly clean.  (4) I am not fussing at my children nearly as much as I think I was before.  (3) I am energetic and HAPPY with life as it is.

Ok, Althea, why are you posting all this sappy happy stuff? I want to encourage you to find that thing that you need to make positive changes in your life. If you feel tired all the time.  If you feel angry all the time.  If you just want the days to end.  Make a change.  For me, it was getting organized (with the help of a most wonderful cousin that is a wiz at organizing).  That was the first step that changed everything for me. I felt physically free after this change was made. This was the weight that I was carrying around every day (but that's another post).  I was no longer going to bed with the thought of what room I needed to clean up in the morning or what dishes I needed to clean just so I could cook breakfast.  Now I can go to bed with bed on my mind only.  And would you believe, now I'm getting up six days per week at 4:40AM. WHAT?!!

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